Random Science Fiction Superhero Names – Mad Scientist Supervillains

My last post was the magical superhero namer, so I decided to post a random futuristic or science fiction naming table today. Like the supernatural genre, future superhero fiction has a lot of room to cover. You get those pulpy rocket ranger type superheroes, the cosmic modern superhero adventures, the dystopian or dark future heroes, and the bright future superhero tales.

Space Empires Abound!

Like in the magic superhero stories, space seems to be full of barons, dukes, and emperors. Go figure. The 200 billion stars and/or star systems in the Milky Way Galaxy lends itself to sprawling empires, so all those worlds need a few kings and nobles to rule over them.

Along with empires come all these 3-dimensional frontiers to attack and defend, so you’ll also find plenty of admirals, generals, and commanders. Like everywhere else, captains are at a high premium. Among all these military figures, some of them are bloody conquerors. Others are brilliant planetary protectors.  A few seem to be somewhere in between. This last sort tend to have reputations at least as far wide as a spiral arm.

The Embodiment of…

Space Superheroes and Futuristic Supervillains

Aliens and Mad Scientists Sit in Futuristic Chairs

Space is full of entities, too. These beings watch over things, document things, or simply eat things. Many represent concepts or cosmic forces, while others represent space anomalies or the unknown.

Use the Anti-Alien Weapon

Most of all, science fiction superhero tales are full of aliens. Most of these people look strangely similar to human being, though they often come in shades of blue, green, red, or pink.

If they’re really evil, they might be yellow. Some of them are even teal. Whatever gives them these strange mutated colors, little else about them seems different than the Earth human–though they might have horns, antennae, or an extra appendage. A good number of these races represent one concept: war, greed, domination, research, engineering, sneakiness, religion.

Whatever they are, these races remind you they’re different–even if they aren’t that different. Despite a few cosmetic changes, most aliens share the same emotions, motivations, and basic needs as humans. Their alien nature tends to be fairly superficial. These people are meant to be part of human tales and reflect the human condition, after all. Often, they’re thinly disguised references to something topical here on Earth. In other words, they’re not so different; they’re human, after all.

My Own Review

I’m not so sure this is my best list. Some of the futuristic names are a little “hard science” or geeky to be entirely useful, though some can turn into good names in the right combination. It’s one real virtue might be that you won’t find a lot of these words on other random generator lists. In the end, that might be it’s saving grace. Check out the list of random characters below to get an idea of what these combos can turn into.

Random Futuristic Character: First Name

1 – Minister
2 – Princess
3 – The White
4 – Lord
5 – Endless
6 – Astro
7 – The Golden
8 – Ultimate
9 – Bishop
10 – Prince
11 – King
12 – Master
13 – Dark
14 – The Crimson
15 – Boss
16 – Governor
17 – Grand Duke
18 – Supreme
19 – The Star
20 – Ace
21 – Baron
22 – Moon
23 – Major
24 – The Cosmic
25 – Admiral
26 – Conqueror
27 – Mister
28 – Empress
29 – The Galactic
30 – Death
31 – Comet
32 – Stainless Steel
33 – Graviton
34 – Councillor
35 – The Green
36 – Senator
37 – Sovereign
38 – Star-Kaiser
39 – Young
40 – The Blue
41 – Sergeant
42 – Sir
43 – Captain
44 – Viscount
45 – Queen
46 – Laser
47 – Commodore
48 – The Red
49 – Emperor
50 – Steel
51 – Professor
52 – Cyborg
53 – Anti-
54 – President
55 – Nano
56 – Shadow
57 – Super
58 – Chancellor
59 – Madame
60 – The Emerald
61 – Arch-
62 – General
63 – Wonder
64 – Brass
65 – Professor
66 – Countess
67 – Steel Grey
68 – The
69 – The Silver
70 – Father
71 – Commander
72 – Sapphire
73 – The
74 – High
75 – Star
76 – Cardinal
77 – Duke
78 – Agent
79 – The Human
80 – Random
81 – Princess
82 – The Black
83 – Nuclear
84 – Robo-
85 – Jane
86 – John
87 – Machine
88 – Lady
89 – Techno
90 – Doctor
91 – Ultra
92 – Sun
93 – Time
94 – The Living
95 – Count
96 – Jack
97 – The Rocket
98 – Colonel
99 – Atomic
100 – The Scarlet

Random Futuristic Character: Second Name

1. Pulsar
2. Quasar
3. Nebula
4. Photon
5. Spiral
6. Triangulum
7. Wormhole
8. Xeno
9. Cluster
10. Nanotech
11. Picotech /Femtotech
12. Comet
13. Quantum
14. Molecule
15. Graviton
16. Tachyon
17. Redshift
18. Blueshift
19. Galactic
20. Universe
21. Jupiter
22. Oort
23. Scorpius
24. Constellation
25. Collider
26. Interceptor
27. Antimatter
28. Amat
29. Dimension
30. Lander
31. Subspace
32. Anomaly
33. Parsec
34. Hyperspace
35. Praxis
36. Portal
37. Teleporter
38. Invader
39. Freighter
40. Paradox
41. Probe
42. Hologram
43. Blaster
44. Millennium
45. Nova
46. Supernova
47. Brainjack
48. Arcology
49. Backcaster
50. Goo
51. Transhuman
52. Energy
53. Continuum
54. Fractal
55. Bang
56. Nano
57. Hyperspace
58. Plasma
59. Rejuv
60. Thought
61. Sphere
62. Cyborg
63. Futurist
64. Rishathra
65. Sentient
66. Crunch
67. Protocol
68. Needler
69. Ringworld
70. Entropy
71. Skimmer
72. Dystopia
73. Computronium
74. Singleton
75. Disrupter
76. Empath
77. Collective
78. Ansible
79. Flatlander
80. Computon
81. Biopunk
82. Science
83. Transmat
84. Tachyon
85. Robot
86. Decker
87. Slugthrower
88. Hot Stain
89. Grok
90. Corpsicle
91. Teleporter
92. Sophont
93. Flitter
94. Tridee
95. Involution
96. Smasher
97. Timeline
98. Genetic
99. Telepath
100. Forcefield

11 Random Character Ideas

These 11 character archetypes were fun to create. There’s something about outer space and future world creation that creates a limitless horizon of possibilities. Science fiction is such a fun genre because it lets people think outside the box. Though I wish I had more time to create all the diversity this genre deserves, these 11 characters should get you started to filling out your intersteller comic book world.

  1. The Golden Comet – When a young thrill seeker was trying the dangerous “Riemann Maneuver” in the tail of a comet, he flew too close and was exposed to anomalous comet matter from some long-forgotten space disaster. Changed by exposure to strange radiation, now the Golden Comet has cosmic level flight, energy projection, and ability to survive in space.
  2. Chancellor Amat – Ruling over the Anti-Matter Empire is the nefarious Chancellor Amat, who wants nothing more than to destroy Future-Earth in one great anti-matter attack. Chancellor Amat is a swirling mass of anti-particles. He lives his life inside a futuristic bubble suit which makes him look something like a Sixties astronaut, except he’s a bit of a fashion plate and wears the finest fashions in space.
  3. Colonel Scorpius – Colonel Scorpius made a name for himself as a military genius in the imperial legions of the Vegan Empire. When he was cashiered due to jealousy from his superior office, Colonel Scorpius became one of the galaxy’s most famous mercenary leaders. Now the “Screaming Legion” of Colonel Scorpius is among the most sought-after units in space. A collection of ex space marines, freebooters, and free spirits, the Screaming Legion is an institution. So is Colonel Scorpius, who loves to show up the generals of the Vegan Imperial Legions.
  4. Jack Von Brainjack – Jack was a “Standard-Issue Citizen-Clone” on Fomalhaut-IV. One day, he awoke to learn he had an experimental brainjack in his head. This device can interface with any computer and/or artificial intelligence in the galaxy. Jack can perform quantum calculations in his head and can speak any known language. Taking the name Jack Von Brainjack, he used his mega-brain to escape his captors, flee the Fomalhaut System, and become a known Troubleshooter GP (Galactic Prime). That means he’s part space detective, part computer programmer, and full-time mystery solver. His biggest case is the one involving his own origin.
  5. Lady Goo – She’s the most dangerous pop singer in the galaxy, Lady Goo. She’s made of gray goo, the nanotech substance which can eat matter. Lady Goo was created on some faraway world obsessed with strange fashion and dance tunes, but when nanites got out of control and ate everything on the planet, all that was left was music downloads and pics of interstellar pop stars. When the rescue workers came, all they found were nan0-engineered idols to a mysterious new pop diva. Now Lady Goo travels the galaxy on her symbiotic bio-ship, seeking to collect all the pop fashion and musical artistry in the galaxy. Powered by internal fusion engines and the ability to devour any type of matter, nothing can stand in her way. Lady Goo is on a quest for (low) knowledge and she’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants.
  6. Mister Smasher – Mister Smasher has the power of a living particle smasher, able to control the fundamental forces of the universe–at least the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force. Mister Smasher was built as a  prototype for a new kind of research tool, but when agents from an evil space empire attacked during the initial experiments, it started a chain reaction which utterly destroyed the labs, the scientists who built Mister Smasher, and the evil agents. In the wreckage that followed, control agents tried to apprehend Mister Smasher, because  it appeared to them he had gone rogue. He fled the scene and is now considered a wanted criminal. Mister Smasher’s android psyche was scarred by this first encounter, so he trusts no one, though he still considers himself a researcher, not a weapon–certainly not a monster. But due to some quantum fluctuations he can’t account for, when Mister Smasher gets agitated, he tends to smash things. What’s more, the more agitated he becomes, the greater his energy based powers become.
  7. Admiral Grok – Admiral Grok is an ageless warrior for the Spiral Empire, taken from one of the countless soldier races who serve the Spirals as slave-warriors. Chosen because of his immense strength and savage cunning, Grok’s uplifted brain makes him a pure tactical genius. Cortical stacks at the base of his skull and occasional resleeving into a new body means he’s effectively immortal. This makes Admiral Grok the perfect commander for the Spiral Empire’s latest initiative to conquer Earth’s sector of space. They say even Colonel Scorpius is loathe to match forces (and wits) with Admiral Grok, whose strategic genius is matched only by his brutal tactics. Earth has a new, intractable foe.
  8. Father Timeline – They say Father Timeline is the inspiration for the ancient myths of Father Time. He’s old, almost geriatric, and ancient beyond all reason. Father Timeline embodies Earth’s world line, it’s trajectory through 4-dimensional spacetime. That’s how the scientists reason it, at least. In truth, Father Timeline is much more than that. He truly is the Father of All Timelines, at least so far as Earth is concerned. Anytime a new timeline is created, Father Timeline is its true and natural progenitor. The father often acts as the protector of its “children”, which has brought him into conflict with Earth’s defenders in the past. Assume a villain changes history and the heroes go to revert the timeline–Father Timeline might oppose them. At other times, he’s aided heroes in restoring what was, or at least defending what is. As the old poem goes, “Whatever is, is right”. That’s how Father Timeline sees it. Whenever the old father appears, you know something cosmic has happened. Whether friend or foe, superheroes dread the next appearance of Father Timeline.
  9. The Arch-Robot – The Arch-Robot is the Galaxy’s Mightiest Robot! Androids, artificial intelligences, and servo-bots everywhere look up to the Arch-Robot as their natural champion and exemplar of android greatness. The Arch-Robot was designed by the Computon Collective as a marketing tool to impress “biologicals” with the idea that robots can be kind and helpful, while also inspiring loyalty from the hordes of artificial beings spread across the stars. Armed with the latest non-lethal weaponry and built from the most advanced femtotech materials, the Arch-Robot has proven to be nigh-indestructable and relentless…in protecting lives. Some wonder if the Arch-Robot isn’t just another plot by the androids to undermine dna-based lifeforms, but nothing the Arch-Robot has done in the year since his launch has been seedy in the least. In fact, the Arch-Robot might be too perfect, flawlessly protecting outlying colonies and settlers in the farthest reaches of space–all with suitable media coverage by the Computon Collective. The Arch-Robot has even gained the trust of the known superheroes of space, men like The Golden Comet and Ace Paradox. But behind his cliched desire to learn about human emotions, is there some deeper motivation at work?
  10. Doctor Rishathra – Doctor Rishathra is a researcher with a different kind of motive. This exotic alien travels the stars studying the various kinds of “loving” xeno-biologicals use. Her sphere of interest is alien mating rituals, making her something of an anthropologist and/or sociologist. None of this would be much interest to superheroes like Golden Comet or Ace Paradox, except Doctor Rishathra prefers to research the “peak alien specimens” of every race. This has brought her in contact with an ever-wider sphere of heroes, celebrities, and noted figures. Whether you’re an adventurer, a politician, a space actor, or a planetary oligarch, Doctor Rishathra might look you up one day. What’s more, Doctor Rishathra often convinces the least likely individuals to speak with her. Armed with “three kinds of telepathy” and her race’s legendary physical attractiveness (over 93% of all alien races find her race attractive–the highest rate in known space), this alien researcher has access to the highest levels of power and influence. Given her immense network of oddball friends and acquaintances, some among the least accessible leaders in space, Earth’s defenders have occasionally appealed to the good doctor for help in a time of crisis. She’s always willing to help, though this only encourages the researcher to inquire about further studies, which can be awfully embarrassing to ultimate do-gooder types like Ace Paradox.
  11. Ace Paradox – Like Doctor Rishathra, Ace Paradox is a scientist and an adventurer, too. He lives to explore known space, to test the known limits of science, and to challenge the unknown. Ace Paradox is seen as a hero by many across the stars, as a naive adventurer by some, but without doubt one of the most courageous men in the galaxy. What’s more, Ace Paradox doesn’t like when “Things aren’t right“, and he’s never shy about speaking his mind. This trait has brought Ace into conflict with several space dictators. In fact, he has a sizable bounty on his head by the League of Alien Dictators. That hardly bothers Ace Paradox. The more notoriety he has, the bigger the research grants he can get. Armed with his Paradox Patrol Ship and his Anomaly Gun, Ace Paradox is undaunted by any challenge.

That’s a healthy start to a sprawling space epic, chock full of heroes, dictators, robots, and oddball aliens.

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