Filed under Names

Dramatic Superhero Name Generator – Titles and Monikers for Heroes

Some superheroes come with dramatic titles and monikers which become part of their identity. These names are inspired by brave deeds from the character’s past, usually something so amazing that the legends of these action follows them everywhere.  Therefore, the dramatic superhero name generator is based on personal hero lore. Two other character names come … Continue reading

Magic Superhero Character Generator – Random Names

Today, I’m trying to reproduce magic-users in comics. Whether we’re talking about Earth’s master-protector, a stage magician with a few tricks, a magical girl gifted with amazing powers, a spirit, a monster, or a dimensional conqueror, the magical comics character covers a lot of ground. Though it’s all about magic and the supernatural, this genre … Continue reading

Random Funny Superhero Name Generator

You might think it would be easy coming up with a random funny superhero name generator. I’m not going to lie to you–it kind of is pretty simple. Comic name combinations are pretty much as simple as the old Mad Lib. Juxtapose any two English words that don’t normally fit together and it’s probably going … Continue reading

Bronze Age Superhero Name Generator

The Bronze Age of Comics took place between 1970 and roughly 1985. The Silver Age which proceeded this time involved science fiction adventures, wacky villains, and funny animals. In the Bronze Age, comics began to evolve into the modern era of realism we see today. Still, some aspects of the old style comic book stories … Continue reading